3 Ways our Toxicity Test will Transform your Health
We have been transforming the lives of patients for over 30 years, our in-house testing sets us apart from other clinics by identifying the true root causes of the symptoms you have been dealing with for years.
One of our favourite tests we offer is the Toxicity Test using our advanced QuadScan machine. This test allows you to establish a baseline of your health and a way to measure your progress as you stick to your treatment plan.
Our toxicity test can transform your health in 3 ways by;
Measuring your exact body composition.
A standard weight scale tells us nothing about your actual body composition. Two people who both weigh 65kg may have drastically different muscle mass and body fat percentages.
If you’ve been tracking your weight or want to know whether you’ve been building any muscle – the Toxicity Test will tell you the exact breakdown of that generic number on the scales into the numbers, you actually want to track.
Seeing the cellular results of your treatment plan in real time
If you have been changing your diet and taking your supplements, you’ll already be feeling the changes, but there is something even greater happening inside! Our Toxicity Test measure your cellular inflammation, vitality and your intracellular (inside the cell) and extracellular (outside the cell) fluid balance.
This is important because the first changes of your treatment plan happen on the cellular level – seeing your personalised treatment plan reduce your inflammation and improve your cellular age is incredibly motivating and evidence that our method works.
Individually calculating how many calories your body needs
So many of our patients who have struggled with weight have had incredible transformations by the results of this test. Instead of relying on the generic result given to you by an online calculator, find out your exact caloric needs with our Toxicity Test.
The Toxicity Test is a completely non-invasive, painless test that takes less than 15 minutes and provides you with a plethora of data that you can use to track your progress and see the results of your treatment faster than ever before.
If you want to book for your Toxicity Test, simply call us on 02 4961 4075 and get a true picture of your current health!