5 ways to ward off the winter flu
There’s never a good time for cold and flu, but in my experience the best way to treat these viruses is to prevent them.
How? By having the best health in the first place. I want to share with you my top 5 tips for keeping the winter flu at bay.
1. Get enough sleep – adrenal glands recover between 9pm and 1am.
2. Eat as naturally as possible to get plenty of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients from your food. Eat a variety of coloured vegetables and fruits as well as good quality proteins like nuts and seeds, fresh fish, eggs, chicken and lamb.
3. Manage your stress levels – spend half an hour doing something you enjoy that relaxes you each day.
4. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
5. Boost your immunity with natural supplements every day, year-round. As a minimum, I recommend a good quality multi-vitamin, fish oil and a probiotic every day. When it comes to flu season, two of my favourite natural medicines are top quality echinacea and vitamin C powder.
Follow these steps and you’ll give yourself the best chance of avoiding a cold or flu this season.
Do you want to avoid catching any pesky colds and flu this winter season?
Click here to download our free guide on preparing your immune system and warding off colds and flus naturally.