Last week I shared my excitement about a brand new feature at Mullen Health – the TGA-approved CR3000 mini pathology lab.
What’s so exiting about a new testing machine, I hear you ask?
Firstly, it will help us examine how your diet, exercise and natural medicine is working in even more detail. (You can read my blog on that here)
Secondly, and my focus for this week, is how we can now clearly determine yourrisk of developing type 2 diabetes with the HbA1c test.
What is HbA1c and why does it matter?
HbA1c is more commonly known as glycated hemoglobin. Simply put, hemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells that becomes glycated when it is exposed to blood sugar.
High levels of glucose in your blood stream will produce abnormally high amounts of glycated hemoglobin, which is an indicator of poor blood sugar control and either pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.
Why am I so excited about this test?
Currently GPs only use the HbA1c test to monitor someone who already has type 2 diabetes. But there is growing research to suggest this test should also be used to monitor people who may not yet have diabetes, but may be travelling down that path.
Why? Red blood cells have a lifespan of 8 to 12 weeks, therefore the HbA1c test is able to measure blood sugar control over a 2-3 month period instead of just measuring blood sugar at a particular day and time.
As a result, unlike the oral glucose tolerance test, Hba1c can be performed at any time of day and does not require any special preparation like fasting.
Can you see why I’m excited now? Having access to this test, which you would otherwise be unable to have, can show early indications that you may be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. And early detection means you can work to lower your levels of blood sugar and avoid this chronic illness.
To learn more about this test and how we can help you, please don’t hesitate to call us on (02) 4961 4075 or email us at [email protected]
Yours in health,
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