Avoid the ‘One Size Fits All’ approach to your health
Why you should avoid the ‘One Size Fits All’ approach to your health
Imagine you could find out exactly what diet, nutritional supplements and exercise is right for you… you wouldn’t need to waste any more time and money on expensive treatments or programs that won’t work for your body.
That’s the idea behind our new Fitgenes testing performed by our Naturopath Kirsty Bednar (Mason).
In a nutshell, it’s the best test we have for mapping your current and future health, from which we can determine where your problem areas lie and what you can do about them.
Fitgenes tests for 54 genes that determine your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, oxidative stress, inflammation and high cholesterol, as well as poor liver detoxification, fat metabolism and Vitamin D metabolism.
Usinga saliva sample, we can see exactly what diet, supplements and exercise can help support your genetic weaknesses.
We look at which of your genes need ‘turning up’ and which need ‘turning down’. Think of it like a light switch – if your antioxidant genes are under-functioning, we turn them up through diet, nutritional supplements and exercise. If your inflammatory genes are adversely impacting your health, we turn them down by eliminating foods and toxins that you are reacting to, while prescribing nutritional supplements and exercise specific to your needs.
Fitgenes testing can give you the tools to help you avoid (or reverse) the following conditions:
- Diabetes and insulin resistance
- Cardiovascular health and cholesterol regulation
- Fat metabolism and weight management
- Bone health
- Hormone regulation
- Thyroid function
- Sleep patterns
- Relief from joint pain
- Healthier ageing
- Menopause balance
- Hypertension – blood pressure
Let’s go back to inflammation as an example:
Inflammation is a natural body defence mechanism, protecting you from infections and helping with tissue repair after injury. Your health and wellbeing is dependent on this inflammatory response operating correctly.
Ideally, when you get sick or injured, you should have a strong inflammatory response that deals with any infection or injury but then settles down. If your inflammatory response is too aggressive, it can lead to more inflammation, tissue destruction, muscle wastage and bone loss. You also don’t want a state of chronic inflammation, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, periodontal disease and many autoimmune diseases.
This explains why two people can have a similar diet, lifestyle and environment, but one goes on to develop an autoimmune condition, while the other remains healthy.
If you have an underlying autoimmune condition, Fitgenes testing will be able to detect which of your genes are promoting an excessive inflammatory response. The good news is that all the genes that are tested are modifiable – meaning you can do something about them through diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and your environment. Now we finally have an understanding of how we can make conscious choices to actually ‘talk’ to our genes.
To book your Fitgenes test, call us on (02) 4961 4075.
Yours in health,
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