Did you know the flu can be good for you?
Coming into winter, the flu is the last thing you want to catch. Most of us try to avoid it at all costs.
But if you happen to get sick with the cold or flu, I’ve got some good news. Getting sick once every one to two years can actually be quite good for you.
You’re probably thinking ‘yeah, right’, but let me explain.
Getting sick gives your immune system a good work out, cleans out your mucous membranes and forces you to rest for a couple of days and realise that the world can get on just fine without you. A couple of days off every one to two years just to rest and get well can be really beneficial for your health.
The other reason I believe the flu can be good for you is that the influenza virus challenges your immune system, which in the long run will help you cope with increased exposure to toxins and stressors at home and work.
So if you get a cold or the flu, remember:
– Your immune system may actually function better because of it
– It is healthy for you to get sick every one to two years.
– Rest up and enjoy the time you spend at home recovering – your body will love you for it
Do you want to avoid catching any pesky colds and flus this winter season?
Click here to download our free guide on preparing your immune system and warding off colds and flus naturally