Having trouble conceiving? We can help…
Falling pregnant comes so easily for some couples, and yet can be one of the most difficult things for many others.
If you’re having trouble conceiving, there is no doubt you’ve already read up on a lot of the reasons that you might be struggling. The sheer amount of information available online can be quite overwhelming. At Mullen Health, we can help guide you through the noise and get to the bottom of what’s causing your infertility.
Excess weight, smoking and age can all play a role, but there’s a lot more to it than that.
There are so many factors that influence your fertility. Many of these on their own do not cause infertility, but in combination, they can substantially reduce a couple’s probability of conceiving. They include:
- Low sperm count (up to 40% of fertility is attributed to men)
- History of recurring miscarriage
- Thyroid issues
- Hormonal imbalances
- Over or under weight
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Endometriosis
- Stress
- Adrenal fatigue
- Caffeine
- Recreational drugs
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Diabetes
- Toxicity and exposure to heavy metals
- Radiation
What you can do right away:
There are plenty of things you can do right away to help increase your chances of falling pregnant naturally, in addition to our tailored natural fertility program.
They may sound simple, but small changes which impact your health in a positive way will increase your chances.
- Exercise regularly
- Learn stress management techniques
- Cut out caffeine, alcohol and smoking
- Drink filtered water
- Eat more fresh foods and less packaged foods
- Increase good quality fat consumption eg. Fish, vitamin E
To read more about what you can do to naturally boost your fertility, here’s a sneak peek at next week’s post CLICK HERE
How we can help:
While it may seem impossible, there is hope! We’ve helped hundreds of couples conceive during our 25 years of practice.
Our naturopaths specialise in finding the underlying factors that are contributing to your infertility, and help you to address those issues in a safe and natural way.
If you have been struggling to fall pregnant for anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, we can help with our tailored natural fertility management program.
Call us on (02) 4961 4075 to find out more.
Yours in health,
Are you planning to have a baby? Or are you already pregnant and looking to provide the best start for your new family member?
Click here to download our free guide on natural fertility, preconception and pregnancy to discover the steps you and your partner can take to boost fertility and make a healthy baby naturally.