How food could be making your child sick
Does your child suffer from eczema, asthma or reoccurring ear infections?
Do they have trouble concentrating, or are they constantly getting into trouble?
Do they often complain of fatigue or stomach pains?
The culprit could be the food they’re eating.
When we were kids, we seemed to get away with eating just about anything. Mind you, most foods were prepared fresh and junk food was a once-a-week treat, if that. One of the most incredible things I’ve noticed over my 25 years in practice is how much children’s health has changed, and how much more reactive our kids’ immune systems seem to be to the food they eat.
Children’s health has changed so much so that:
- Behavioural and learning disorders now affect up to 20% of children.
- Asthma has doubled in the past 20 years, with the condition now affecting up to 35% of children.
- Ear infections are now infecting 80% of children by the age of three.
- Allergies, intolerances, eczema, digestive disorders, leukaemia and juvenile diabetes are all on the rise in children.
All of these conditions come back to two things – the food our kids eat, and the way their bodies react to it.
If you suspect your child has a health condition that could be related to their diet, there are two options – going on an elimination diet, or undergoing a blood test.
At Mullen Health we can help you with either option. If your child is very reactive, an elimination diet is most accurate for determining a wide range of food reactions, including allergies, intolerances, salicylates, amines and other food chemicals.
If you suspect a food intolerance is the issue, our comprehensive Food Detective Food Intolerance Test is the best option. Using just a small pinprick, Food Detective tests for intolerances to 43 foods and gives you results in just 40 minutes. We can also arrange to test for a larger number of foods if necessary.
In the meantime, here’s five simple ways you can improve your child’s diet to get you started:
- Avoid additives and preservatives – become a ‘numbers-free’ household
- Reduce or avoid processed carbohydrates and simple sugars, such as bread, cereals, biscuits, lollies, soft drinks and commercial juices.
- Cut out dairy, wheat and gluten
- Start the day with a protein breakfast, like eggs or lean meats
- Increase consumption of vegetables and low-sugar fruits like berries and apples.
I know it seems like you have to be a detective to work out what’s wrong with your child, but don’t worry, we will guide you through this process. And remember, the rewards will be life changing for the whole family.
Yours in health,
Is your kid always sick? Do you suspect he/she has a food intolerance? Difficulty concentrating? Gut problems?