Hunter Hunter Article – Gut Health
Our wonderful friends at Hunter Hunter have written a fantastic article about us and the importance of looking after your gut health. Check it out below!
New year, new chance to think about how you might alter the way you approach your health and wellbeing. To help you take a step towards better health, the team at Mullen Natural Health, the Hamilton-based natural health centre are offering 50% off initial consultations for the month of February, consultations are available face-to-face or via telehealth.
We caught up with Peter Mullen, director and principal Naturopath of Mullen Natural Health, to discuss the most common and arguably the most impactful health concern; poor gut health.
Gut health is a very broad term that encapsulates the health of your whole digestive system. Bloating, wind, bowel variability, heartburn, reflux, as well as conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease are all signs of poor gut health.
What you might not realise though is that fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, skin conditions (eczema and acne), and even autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid conditions may also have poor gut health as a driver.
“What we often find in clinic is that we have patients come in wanting help to reduce their anxiety and manage their stress, when we delve a little deeper, we discover their gut function has been impaired for a long time. They may be suffering from chronic constipation, bloating & wind, and when we start to repair and heal the gut, their mental health improves also,” says Peter shared
Causes for poor gut health can vary from things as simple as poor food choices such as processed foods, refined sugars, and food intolerances such as gluten and dairy as well as medications, both prescribed, and over the counter. One of the biggest drivers for poor gut health, Peter says, is stress.
So, how is your gut health?
Every person is unique and so is their health, we do all have one thing in common; all health and disease, begin in the gut.
“Whether it be acne or brain fog, insomnia or weight issues, there is a connection to gut function. At Mullen Health you will receive a comprehensive and individualised assessment of your whole health followed by recommending the ideal plan for you to get your health back on track.
To find out what your health status is, take the free Mullen Health Quiz here.
Whilst we encourage you to take advantage of this February offer, you can start to improve your gut function today by implementing Peter’s top five tips for better gut health:
– Chew well and eat slowly
– Hydrate. Drink 2L of filtered water daily
– Add half a lemon in a glass of water first thing in the morning to wake up your digestive system (drink with a straw)
– Make sure you are eating enough fibre. Try ground chia seeds or flax seeds in your morning smoothie
– Prioritise stress management. Try meditation, yoga, or tai chi
If you’re keen to move forward and delve a little deeper into your gut health, or any of your health concerns, check out a little bit about each of the practitioners here at Mullen Natural Health and book in your appointment today to receive 50% off your initial consultation.
Peter Mullen
With over 30 years of experience in helping patients achieve their health goals, Peter Mullen is a leading Integrative Naturopathic Practitioner that offers extensive naturopathy experience through connecting with his patients and getting great results.
What do you love about being a Naturopath?
“I love the connection with my patients and seeing how they grow personally as they become more aware of what is good for their health and happiness.”
What do you specialise in treating?
“Solving Chronic health conditions, I get to play health detective. Gut health, mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, autoimmune conditions and Children’s health are all areas that I love helping patients with.”
Where do you get your favourite Chai?
“I love a great Chai tea and my favourite place is a café in Neutral Bay Sydney called Berkelo.”
What’s your best health tip?
“Learn to meditate, I find it’s the best way to help navigate life!”
Belinda Babicci
Belinda is a qualified Nutritionist and Herbalist, with over 16 years of experience in the Natural Therapies industry and is passionate about helping people overcome their health challenges.
What do you love about being a Naturopath?
“Being a teacher. My goal for all my clients is to teach them to understand what their body is telling them (the symptoms they have), and then give them the skills to bring their body back into a state of optimal health.”
What do you specialise in treating?
“All things children’s health. I usually start with seeing mum or one of the kids, then one by one, the whole family tends to want to get on board. I also love to work with stress and anxiety, and all things gut health.”
Where do you get your favourite Chai?
“My kitchen! I make my own blend of ½ Byron Chai and ½ rooibos chai, and I brew it for 10-15mins. I love it strong and spicy.”
What’s your best health tip?
“Always add veggies! You can always add nutrition to any meal by adding some extra veggies. Initially, hardly anyone I see comes close to meeting their minimum daily veggie requirement, which is really scary.”
Yvonne O’Sullivan
Yvonne is a qualified Naturopath who has learned from personal experience that life does not always deal you the best health hand but she truly believes that every single person deserves the chance to be healthy so that they can live a full and happy life.
What do you love about being a Naturopath?
“Empowering people to feel confident in their own choices about health and wellbeing.”
What do you specialise in treating?
“Thyroid issues, gut health, and histamine intolerance.”
Where do you get your favourite chai?
“Bondi Chai – online.”
What’s your best health tip?
“Most people inherently know the things that are doing them harm, because they feel terrible after indulging. Your joints or your tummy hurts, or you wake with a headache or foggy brain.
“My advice is to always go with your gut – if it leaves you feeling good today and the morning after, it’s likely good for you.”
Samantha Wilson
As a degree-qualified Clinical Nutritionist, Samantha utilises evidence-based practices, food as medicine, and a personalised approach to guide her patients to better health.
What do you love about being a Nutritionist?
“As a nutritionist, I love educating and empowering people to feel better in themselves and their health. Reminding people that food really is medicine and that there is great power in taking control of your own health through food choices.”
What do you specialise in treating?
“I specialise in patient-centred care – I want my patients to feel inspired and confident in their health. My special interests lie in hormonal imbalances, menstrual cycle irregularities, stress and anxiety, and of course, anything gut health-related!”
Where do you get your favourite Chai?
“Sticky Chai from Equium Social is a must.”
What’s your best health tip?
“Keep it simple – drink water, move your body, spend time in nature, jump in the sea, and prioritise sleep!”
Jayne Larkins
A qualified Naturopath since 1998, Jayne has broad experience working in the health industry ensuring her clinical practice is always informed by the latest research and treatment protocols.
What do you love about being a Naturopath?
“I love partnering with people to get to the bottom of their health issues and seeing them empowered to take control of their health.”
What do you specialise in treating?
“Behavioural and spectrum disorders in children, peri/menopause, fatigue and immune issues, mental health, and brain disorders.”
Where do you get your favourite Chai?
“My local – Brew Tales Wickham.”
What’s your best health tip?
“Eat whole unprocessed food, prioritise sleep, get outside in nature and sunlight, drink clean water and support your emotional/mental health. All the basics but we can’t out-medicate poor lifestyle habits.”
Whether it’s poor gut function, chronic illness, stress & anxiety, children’s health, and so much more, the experienced team at Mullen Natural Health is here to help. Has one of the practitioners resonated with you and your health journey?
There is no better time to prioritise your health with this great offer. Take the next step and book your half-price initial appointment by phoning the clinic on (02) 4961 4075.