Lunch Box Ideas for Kids
Do you struggle to put together a healthy lunch box that your kids will love?
Maybe you just need some more ideas to mix it up and keep your kids interested in healthy food?
We’ve had a sneak peek inside the lunch boxes of one of our favourite foodies to help you out with some fresh, healthy ideas that are gluten, dairy and preservative free.
Collette White is the author of four recipe books, including Cut Out The Crap, and is a mother of four.
What’s in your kids’ lunchboxes?
My big girls are in Year 7 and Year 5 and my twins are 4 and go to preschool this year 3 days a week. I couldn’t tell you the last time I packed a sandwich for them! I never enjoyed sandwiches at school and it seems that they are the same as me. I try to think of it as another balanced meal for them. They enjoy snack food (e.g. dips and crackers) and leftovers the best. I cook 2-3 savoury items and 2-3 sweet items a week from my Lunchbox Solution cookbook and they share these along with some fruit.
How do you get your kids to eat healthy food?
Lead by example! It is very hard to make a 5 year old eat their salad and vegetables if you aren’t eating yours! Also, get them to help you in the kitchen. Cooking and preparing food gives them a sense of ownership of what is in their lunchbox or on their plate and I have found this helps my children to at least ‘try’ more things. Ignore the mess in the kitchen that they will make and focus on the quality time you are spending together whilst chatting about healthy food, what is their favourite food and why some food is good for them and other food should be avoided. I love this time with my children and get encouraged by what they learn and will hopefully carry with them forever.
How do you get organised to give your kids healthy lunchboxes?
My two tips that help me enormously would be to meal plan for breakfast and lunch as well as dinner. Also, prepare what you can for breakfast and lunch the night before. No matter how exhausted I am of a night I prefer to be tired in the kitchen for 20 minutes the night before than running frantic the next morning trying to get everything sorted. Mornings are busy enough as it is, so if I can just focus on getting the kids breakfast (and knowing what they are having) and getting them dressed, it makes for a much more enjoyable start to the day for everyone.
What’s your top tip for children with allergies?
My biggest tip for children starting school with allergies is to speak to their teacher about it and make sure they are clear with what they can and can’t have. Often ‘treats’ get handed out at school by teachers – to make sure this is something they can have, you could offer to send in your own. This is what I do for my daughter in year 5 who reacts badly to food additives. I send in additive free lollypops. I also leave cupcakes in the freezer at the school canteen so she doesn’t miss out when birthday cakes are sent in that she can’t eat. I know at her age she is able to understand why she can’t eat what the others eat, but I like the fact she can join in with her friends without it making her ill.
Our big thanks to Collette for sharing her tips!
If you’re still hungry for ideas, check out these great blogs from Lee at Supercharged Food and I Quit Sugar.
Is your kid always sick? Do you suspect he/she has a food intolerance? Difficulty concentrating? Gut problems?
Click here to download our free guide containing tips and advice on naturally managing your kid’s health, including foods and additives to avoid, boosting their immune system, managing screen time, and what to feed your kids for better health.