My Day on a plate- Peter Mullen
Have you ever wanted to take a peek at what a Naturopath really eats? Over the next few weeks, we’ll let you in on what our Naturopaths eat to fuel their bodies and share with you their favourite recipes so that you can try it for yourself!
Let’s start with our leading practitioner, Peter Mullen!
Peter Mullen is one of Australia’s leading Naturopaths and is also co-founder of Mullen Natural Health Centre with his wife Dayna. As you can imagine, they are busy people — but they still manage to lead a healthy lifestyle with a focus on organic wholefoods, gentle exercise (think walks and swimming) and regular breaks to keep those stress levels down.
Peter is a strong advocate for intermittent fasting, which for him involves only eating during an 8 hour period of the day and fasting for the remaining 16 hours. You can read more about intermittent fasting on our blog. That said, here’s what Peter’s day on a plate looks like!
Wake up: I drink a cup of warm water and lemon to detoxify and flush your system. It’s also great for your digestive system and contains immune-boosting vitamins!
Mid- morning: At 10:30am, I break my fast with a shake made of Metagenics’ Thermophase Detox and G-Tox Express. It’s lean, green and packed with nutrients to support your gut health, liver and cellular detoxification.
Lunch: At 1:30pm is when I have my main meal for the day — it’s when your body needs the most nutrients and stops you going to bed with a full tummy. My favourite meal at the moment is Mung Bean Dahl , which you can try for yourself with our recipe. This recipe is our secret weapon for counteracting festive indulgences, or indeed any time we are feeling a little less than our best. The medicinal spices used to flavour this simple dish can be chosen and combined according to your constitution and a good dose of garlic, onions and ginger give it a great immune-boosting quality.
Afternoon tea: Like most people, at 3pm I’m looking for a pick-me-up, so a piece of fruit is nature’s best snack. I love apple, pear or mandarin.
Dinner: An early dinner at 6:30pm ensures that you’re not going to bed full. I’m a keen fisherman, so I love fresh caught fish for dinner with organic veggie mash. Unfortunately I don’t get to fish as much as I’d like to, so most days I settle for fish from the co-op or the farmers markets.
Have you been living with a health condition for years that hasn’t responded to conventional medicine effectively? Or are you simply not feeling your best?
Click here to download our free guide with tips and steps you can take to feel well again, naturally. This guide covers everything you need for healthy living – diet, sleep, stress and supplements.