Vegie Snack Wraps

- Nori seaweed sheets
- Selection of your favourite vegetables,sliced: carrot, celery, cucumber, capsicum,zucchini, sprouts etc.
- Home-made hommus or guacamole
- Add preferred protein source: boiled egg, sliced chicken, sardines, tofu
- Lay down a nori sheet with the rough side facing up (you will notice the seaweed papers have a shiny side and a rough side) on a chopping board. Spread a tablespoon of your chosen base over the seaweed sheet (e.g. avocado or hummus).
- Add your selection of sliced vegetables on the side closest to you, then lay on a protein source if need be. Avoid adding too much in one roll. Wet the edges of seaweed paper at the far end and roll up tightly then press down once at the end. Let it sit for five minutes before cutting into portion size pieces