Staying on Track in the New Year
Our routines are flown out the window when Christmas and New Years turn up. When all is said and done it’s hard to transition from the holiday period back to the work and school grind. Creating an environment that supports new habits and transitions you back into routine is key to reducing the overwhelm of going back to work and school.
Getting you back on track means streamlining key areas of your life most notably; health, home and self-development (professional & personal).
To build a strong foundation of health we recommend starting with these two tips to set you up for success:
Booking an appointment in with your naturopath or calling up the herb bar for free to refill your supplement
We also recommend buying a supplement storage container separated by days and filling them up with your supplements for the week and placing them by your kitchen or bathroom sink.
If you’re feeling pretty good but just need to get back into your routine simply phone our clinic 4961 4075 to book in for your FREE 15 minute phone consultation with our expert Naturopaths or to book a full length consultation.
Meal Prep
Having healthy meals ready to go makes sticking to your health goals that much easier. You can just grab and go on those hectic days and avoid convenience foods. We suggest having:
- 3 lunches worth of meals
- snacks like chopped carrot, cucumber and celery
- along with other high protein snacks like eggs or peanut butter pre-portioned in containers.
We also suggest having a large batch of brown rice or quinoa pre cooked and placed in a big container in the fridge. You can make a meal out of just about anything with a little bit of rice, salad, veggies or protein. Think burrito bowls, poke bowls, stir-fry’s and rice salads. Click here for our Naturopath designed recipes.
Nothing is more satisfying than feeling like your house is clean and organised and if you’ve had your whole extended family stay over the holidays, chances are your space is needing a little TLC.
There are two key areas of the home that when organised or tidy will make a world of difference to your wellbeing. They are:
The kitchen
This space is the heart of the home and an incredible hider of food you’ve forgotten about. We suggest as a priority to clean out your pantry and fridge and push all near dated products to the front and group multiples of items together.
Take inventory when you’ve done this, chances are you actually have a lot more food that you thought and you can come up with a way to use it that doesn’t involve buying extra food.
An incredible resource for cleaning and organising is Australian mum, Katrina Springer, of ‘The Organised Housewife’ she’s got tons of free resources and plans to tackle different areas of the home and to make the most economical use out of the food you’ve already got.
The Bedroom
This area needs to be treated like a sanctuary, depending on your living situation we suggest keeping your work outside the bedroom at all times.
Studies have shown those that bring their laptops and work files home into the bedroom have poorer sleep quality and higher stress levels than those that leave their work items in a home office or desk outside the room.
Decluttering your bedroom and keeping it super simple just for bedtime only means after a long day at work you can come home to a space specifically designed for rest and relaxation..
Development – Personal & Professional
2022 was labelled as ‘The Great Re-Evaluation’ as millions across Australia re-considered their careers and the type of work they do.
A great way to look back on the year that was and also set yourself up for positive development in 2023 is completing what’s known as the ‘Year Compass’. This free booklet can be printed out or completed digitally.
It highlights what worked last year and what didn’t, whilst allowing you room to grow into the person you want to be in 2023.
We promise you that if you set out on the tips above you’ll be on the right track with help just a phone call away. If true health and wellness is a goal for you in 2023 please contact our care assistants on 02 4961 4075 to get you booked into an initial consultation, you won’t regret it.
From all of us at Mullen Natural Health, we wish you a great year for you and your family in 2023.