The 5 Must Have Habits to Reduce Morning Stress
Ok, picture this. You wake up to the sound of your alarm. You quickly decide, you can afford to hit the snooze button. Alarm sounds again. Five more minutes? You hit snooze again. Eventually you drag yourself out of bed. You’re low on energy, you can feel yourself rushing. The stress is starting to rise. At this point you can’t imagine being one of those people who wakes up, fresh faced and full of energy ready to start your day. Instead, you’re running late and desperate for caffeine to make you feel alive.
Morning stress is important to manage because it can impact the rest of your day. These five habits will help you reduce both physical and mental stress in your morning, meaning you’re more energised and can enjoy the rest of your day.
Plan your morning the night before
It sounds simple. But spending 10 minutes the night before to set out the things you need to will reduce your mental load and your stress. Running through the what you need to do the next day can be helpful in making sure nothing is forgotten. Something as simple as laying out the things you need for a smooth morning routine will mean you’re prepared for any come morning time.
Some simple things that can reduce morning stress
- Planning what you’re going to wear
- Packing your bag with the things you need
- Prepping your breakfast
- Placing a glass of water next to your bed
Get yourself some H2O
Ok, we all know we should drink more water. But having a glass of H2O first thing can have a bigger impact on your energy than you think. Do you wake up with a dry mouth or eye? Are you already tired before you get out of bed? Do you wake up feeling thirsty? These are all signs you’re dehydrated.
When we sleep, we can lose up to a litre of water just through our breath and sweat alone. Waking up dehydrated can mean your body is experiencing physical stress before you’re even out of bed!
Starting your morning with a glass of filtered water with have you hydrated and on your way to energised.
Breathe baby breathe
When you experience stress, it can be emotional or physical stress. Focusing on your breath in the morning reduces both kinds of stress. But who has the time for breathing exercises in an already busy morning? Try pairing simple breathing exercises with things you already do in the morning. You’re breathing anyway, all you need to do is focus a little attention on how you’re doing it to reap the benefits.
Some ways you can easily incorporate breathwork into your morning routine?
- When you first wake up, before you get out of bed.
- While you’re waiting for the kettle to boil.
- When you get in the car, before you start the ignition.
Pairing your breathwork with something you do every morning will make it more likely to become a habit so you get the benefits every morning!
Manage your mindset
If you’re like most busy adults, chances are you wake up with your mind already busy with the days to do list. Taking a moment to intentionally check in with your mindset can change how your entire day unfolds. Your day may still throw stressful situations at you, but with your mindset managed? You’ll respond completely differently.
You can shift your mindset with one of the simple techniques below
- Focus on three things you’re grateful for
- Choose a mantra for your day like “I am focused” or “I am calm” say it to yourself out loud and when your day starts to speed up, bring yourself back to your mantra.
- Meditate – even a one minute meditation clearing your mind will have a huge impact on your stress levels.
Break the fast with wholefoods
No matter what time of the morning you have breakfast, your body has been fasting. What you choose to break your fast with will impact how your body responds to stress. Skip a processed, sugary breakfast for something with more nutrients and your body will thank you.
Planning your breakfast the night before can help make sure your body gets the best start to the day.
Some of our faves include
- A veggie and whole egg omelette
- Overnight oats with seasonal fruit
- Tomato & Avocado on quality sourdough
Choosing a quality wholefood breakfast will make a world of difference when it comes to your energy levels and your ability to manage stress.
Morning stress getting in the way of being your best self? Tired of waking up already feeling exhausted? We want to help. Phone 02 4961 4075 for a free 15 minute phone consult or book in to see one of our experienced practitioners.