The difference between a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbalist
What is the difference between a Naturopath and a Nutritionist?
A Naturopath and Nutritionist work similarly in that they view the body as one whole, rather than separate systems. Their aim is to investigate the true cause of your health issues through comprehensive case taking and specialised testing. They then use natural medicines, food and lifestyle changes to correct those conditions.
The difference with a Naturopath is that they are able to use a wide range of healing tools to achieve the best outcome for you. Where a nutritionist works with diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements only, Naturopaths employ these elements as well as the powerful properties of herbal medicine, as well as homeopathy, flower essences and iridology to treat you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
What is the difference between a Naturopath and a Herbalist?
In terms of education, a Herbalist studies herbal medicine, whereas a Naturopath studies nutrition, homeopathy and lifestyle medicine in addition to herbal medicine. While herbalists have only herbal medicine in their tool kit, Naturopaths are able to use a wide range of healing tools to achieve the best outcome for you. Naturopaths focus on treating the body as a whole – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – and specialise in finding the cause of your health complaints, not just treating the symptoms. Would you like to know more about what a Naturopath does? Click here to read our blog post – What is a Naturopath?
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