The disorder 10% of kids have…
Does your child find it difficult to cope with stress? Do they experience emotional mood swings, and a sensitivity to light and sound? Do they have a learning difficulty or struggle listening in a noisy environment?
They may have a little-known but common condition called Pyrrole Disorder.
Never heard of it? I’m not surprised. Many GPs don’t know about it, but it is a disorder that is becoming more prevalent in both children and adults alike.
In fact, 10 per cent of the population have it – it’s even higher among those with mental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia and depression. That means that in a typical class of 25 to 30 kids, two or three have it and won’t be learning or behaving well.
But while adults develop coping mechanisms to deal with these symptoms, kids often find it much more difficult.
Let me tell you first about what it is…
Pyrrole is a genetic blood disorder that results in a dramatic deficiency of zinc, B6 and arachidonic acid – a long-chain omega-6 fat.
Although there are many signs and symptoms of Pyrroluria individuals will usually only exhibit a portion of these and each may vary in severity from one sufferer to the next.
Common symptoms to look out for include:
- Anxiety
- Auditory processing disorder
- Craving for high-sugar and high-carb foods
- Delayed onset of puberty
- Fatigue
- Hyperactivity
- Insomnia
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Joint pain
- Low stress tolerance
- Memory loss
- Mood swings and depression
- Motion sickness
- Poor dream recall
Some physical signs to look out for:
- Cold hands and feet, even in summer
- Larger mid-section
- Overcrowded teeth and poor tooth enamel
- Pale skin that burns easily
- Sweet, fruity breath and body odour
- White spots on fingernails
What to do if you think your child has Pyrrole disorder
The symptoms of pyrrole can be exacerbated by stress and a poor diet, so my first recommendation would be to put your child on a low-inflammatory diet by removing all additives and preservatives from their food, as well as cutting out dairy, gluten and processed sugar.
The easiest way to determine if your child does have Pyrrole is to bring them in for a simple urine test – this is the easiest way to determine if they have the disorder.
If it turns out they do have Pyrrole, don’t worry. It can be managed quite easily through supplementation of zinc, B6 and evening primrose oil, as well as diet.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section below or call us on (02) 4961 4075.
Yours in health,
Do you suspect your child has Pyrrole Disorder?
Click here for our free guide that will take you through what Pyrrole Disorder is, the symptoms to look out for and how to manage Pyrrole Disorder naturally.