The Herb Bar – The first of its kind in the Hunter Region
Our new Herb Bar is now open and ready for you to come in and help you with all your Naturopathic needs. The wonderful team from Hunter Hunter have written the below article about the Herb Bar and what it is all about.
“Learn how using natural products can help with everything from the common cold to relieving anxiety and stress.”
Mullen Natural Health has just launched their newest offering, The Herb Bar, sure to make waves in over the counter natural health care.
Whatever it might be, Mullen Natural Health’s newest inclusion, The Herb Bar offers a unique experience for those of you whom are interested in having a taste into the world of Naturopathy.
Mullen Natural Health offers a holistic approach to health, with the Herb Bar focussing on being a quick, first-point of call treatment option. The qualified naturopaths will be able to help you with:
- Low energy
- Sleep issues
- Boosting immunity
- Cold & flu
- Hot flushes
- Period pain
- Gut complaints
- Kids health
- Anxiety
- Arthritis & joint pain
- Stress, study & brain fog
- Skin conditions
The best part? You don’t even have to have an appointment, head into the clinic from Monday through to Saturday between the hours of 8am-1pm and you can get a free dedicated 10-minute consultation with a qualified naturopath who can help you on your path to wellness.
“Coming to a practitioner, you can get practitioner strength products of higher quality. We only use companies in Australia that go above and beyond TGA requirements, with all of our herbs and supplements being the best quality you’ll get in Australia; if not the world,” Peter told me.
Whether you need a quick remedy for a cold or a flu, your child is sick, you would like to increase your energy or you suffer from a chronic condition, Mullen Natural Health’s qualified Naturopaths are ready to help you with the best supplements, herbal medicines and lifestyle advice.
“People can come in, they’ll be able to talk to a qualified naturopath straight away and be prescribed a herbal mix and/or nutritional formula as well as some dietary and lifestyle advice.”
The new offering is a bespoke and personalised service that is sure to give everyone results.
“It’s like a mini-consult, but without having to book. The bar is open Monday through to Saturday between 8am-1pm, where customers can walk through the door and a designated naturopath will be here.”
If you’ve never seen a naturopath before, or you’ve always used natural therapies and would like free expert advice, then The Herb Bar is for you!