Why constantly stressing is doing your body damage
Stress comes in all shapes and sizes – from constantly worrying about the little things, to injury and disease, to dealing with work and relationship problems.
But whether it’s big or small, constant stress can be doing serious damage to a part of your body called your adrenal glands.
Why are your adrenal glands so important?
Your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys, and work to help you cope with all types of stress by releasing hormones (namely cortisol and adrenalin) into your system. If you are constantly or repeatedly stressed without sufficient time to recover, you may deplete your body’s reserves of these hormones, resulting in adrenal fatigue. It’s estimated that 80 per cent of adults have some degree of adrenal fatigue, but most cover it up with stimulants like coffee, tea, soft drinks, sugar and cigarettes. If our adrenal glands had evolved to cope with the pace of life we all live in the 21st century, they would be the size of two small footballs instead of the size of two walnuts! It doesn’t matter what type of stress you are going through (emotional, psychological, physical), all stress has a cumulative effect and can cause adrenal fatigue.
10 signs you may have adrenal fatigue:
- Difficulty getting up in the morning
- Fatigue throughout the day not relieved by sleep
- Craving for salt or salty foods
- Increased effort to do everyday tasks
- Decreased sex drive
- Decreased ability to handle stress
- Increased time to recover from illness, injury or trauma
- Light-headed when standing up quickly
- Decreased productivity
- Mild depression
If you are experiencing more than three of these symptoms, you may have adrenal fatigue. The good news is we can help. Book an appointment with one of our Naturopaths today find the cause of your symptoms and get relief.
My top five tips for regaining your adrenal health can be found in this blog here.
Yours in health,
Do you want to find out how to keep your stress and adrenal fatigue under control naturally?
Click here to access our free guide on treating stress and adrenal fatigue.