4 Hidden Symptoms of ADHD
Maybe you’ve got a friend recently diagnosed with ADHD, or maybe you’re wondering if there is an answer for symptoms you’ve been experiencing your whole life? Today we wanted to share the top 4 hidden symptoms of ADHD and provide answers on what to do next if these symptoms sound exactly like you.
Poor time management
Also known as ‘time blindness’, so many people with ADHD get caught up in whatever they’re doing in the present moment that they don’t notice time slipping by. This can often result in being late, missing deadlines or not being able to stick to scheduled activities.
People with ADHD usually misjudge how long things take, thinking it’ll only take 10 minutes to drive somewhere but not accounting for walking to and from the car, traffic and the petrol needed on the way.
Those with ADHD usually have to rely on technology and other tools to help with time management and planning.
Having temporary obsessions or hyper focuses
Maybe you’ve just learnt about something new, and you suddenly want to know everything about a topic inside and out. You cannot stop thinking about it and use all your free time including those precious moments just before your fall asleep thinking about this one topic. It becomes engrossing, and seems like you’ve finally found your passion, until it fizzles out or you move onto the next hyperfocus.
People with ADHD seem to have temporary obsessions with topics or foods, being completely engrossed with them until they’ve had enough and move onto the next thing.
At the time it feels like finding your passion only to realise later it was simply a phase.
Being a next level multi-tasker
Those with ADHD typically seek out stimulation, for kids this usually shows up in the form of being incredibly hyperactive. In adults however, this usually shows up like needing to do multiple things all at once. It’s a feeling of needing to be constantly busy, productive, or ticking things off the to-do list.
Those with ADHD struggle to have a down day or have day that involves total relaxation.
Impulsively spending
When we experience happiness or pleasure, we release a chemical in our brains called Dopamine. People with ADHD tend to have dysregulated dopamine levels, meaning they continue to seek out pleasurable or impulsive activities to get that hit of dopamine.
A big way this can present is through impulsive spending, buying things you don’t need or buying everything and anything to get that rush – which usually follows with stress and shame realising you may have overdone the budget you set for yourself.
If any of these symptoms sound like you, you’re not alone. Understanding that ADHD can change various pathways in our brain and with the right support, behaviours, and symptoms we often attributed to our personality can shift and improve.
If you’re not sure what to do next, our experts have extensive training in supporting all individuals of all ages with or without a diagnosis and with or without medication. We can truly do something for everyone.
What to do next?
We have a FREE Natural Masterclass that addresses everything you need to know about ADHD, from figuring out your type and helpful tips you can implement straight into you life – its like having one of our expert Naturopath’s in your pocket.
To gain access to your FREE ADHD Masterclass click here!