What to expect when Detoxing
You know that you get withdrawal symptoms from drugs and smoking, but did you know you get them from coming off sugar, caffeine and any food intolerances?
Don’t worry though. If you’re feeling tired and moody right now, with a raging headache, it’s actually a good thing – it’s your body starting to detox.
Interestingly, the greater your symptoms, the more toxic your body has been.
You may experience tiredness, headaches, mood swings, constipation and diarrhoea. It can also aggravate other symptoms you already have, like rashes, aches and pains.
The good news is, this is all a normal part of the withdrawal process and it should generally only last a few days, depending on your body’s toxicity. Trust us, it will all be worth it in the end!
To ensure you get through withdrawal with minimal symptoms, drink plenty of purified water, take the recommended supplements and of course call us on (02) 4961 4075 if you are concerned.
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